Main product - Reviews

Display the product review form as an individual section.

1. Open the Main product - Reviews section:

On the left sidebar of the Theme editor, click the Main product - Reviews section.

If this section does not exist on the available list, you can also add it by clicking the Add section button, then choose Main product - Reviews.

2. Settings

Click the section name from the available section list on the left sidebar to open the section settings.


  • Enable: turn on/off the background.

  • Pick a color: choose a color to set the background color. If the background is empty, the background color will be displayed.

  • Background image: pick or upload your image to display it as the background image.

  • Background size: set the size of the background image.

  • Background style: set the style of the background image.

Section gutters

  • Enable top gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the top of the section.

  • Enable bottom gutter: turn on/off the space distance on the bottom of the section.

Last updated